Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Should children chhosetheir own bedtime?

Should children choose their own bedtime?

A sensible idea would be to not let children choose their own bedtime, because children would be late for school and would fall asleep in class. This will happen by watching TV and mucking around before going to bed. 

Naturally I feel they would be tired and grumpy in the morning. They will feel restless moody, exhausted and droopy. They will not focus or listen. Their parents will get annoyed by all the silly nonsense.

Others may disagree because children would feel like adults choosing there bedtime. it's great because they would choose the time at they are actually sleepy, because parent will choose the earliest bed time.

Everybody knows that parents will get cross with their kids nagging all the time. "Its never gonna help your parents with that headache. 

We can see from the evidence that children should not choose their own bedtime so that doesn't happen. Otherwise you would wake up with a grumpy child\children or sibling and sullen parents!

Please comment below with your preference!


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